
Animator |动画师

Paper Flower|手工花

Hand making is one of my important hobbies, I tried to use paper to fold flowers until I saw the paper artist Tiffanie Turner. She is such a talented and creative artist in paper flowers. Cutting hundreds of paper flower petals and stick together to create 5-foot-wide paper flowers. I try to use different types of paper like cotton paper, rattan paper, or corrugated paper to making flowers or models. Different papers with different hardness or thicknesses. Paper flower is the one that leads me to paper model making, use it in stop motion.

手工制作一直都是我的一个爱好,也成就了模型师的我。我曾经尝试用纸来制作仿真花,纸花艺术家Tiffanie Turner给予我很多灵感,她曾制作巨型花朵,直径长达1.5米。我尝试运用不同类型的纸来制作花或者模型。不同的材质呈现的效果是不同的, 纸模型成为我在本科和研究生阶段研究的方向。